
Providing consistent and long-term returns for our members is at the heart of our investment approach. We have a proud history of sound investment, helping our members achieve a comfortable and financially secure retirement.

Defined benefit accounts

ESSS Defined Benefit Fund

Your final superannuation benefit is not impacted by investment performance as it is paid as a lump sum based on several factors, including your period of membership, part/full time status, final average salary, and elected contribution rate.

For more information, refer to the ESSS Defined Benefit Fund Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) on our PDS and handbooks web page.

State super

State super funds, such as the New Scheme, Revised Scheme, and Transport Scheme, provide for returns to be credited to contributing members' contributions at 30 June each year. The rate of returns credited to your member contributions is called the 'crediting rate'. The crediting rate applied will never be less than 0%.

Refer to the appropriate web page below for monthly state super crediting rates, administration costs, and investment management fees.

Accumulation accounts

Income Streams, Accumulation Plan, and Beneficiary Account

Investment returns are applied to member accounts through the change in daily unit prices. As investment markets fluctuate on a daily basis, the total market value of the assets in each investment option changes. The unit price for each investment option is calculated each business day based on changes in the market value of the underlying assets of the investment option. Unit prices for each investment option are published on our website the next business day, with monthly and annual returns shown so you can track earnings over the long term.

Refer to the appropriate web page below for returns or daily unit price page information.


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Accumulation Plan

Balanced option 31/01/2025

1yr (p.a.) 9.92
3yrs (p.a.) 6.84
5yrs (p.a.) 6.13
10yrs (p.a.) 6.54

Retirement Income Stream

Balanced option 31/01/2025

1yr (p.a.) 11.26
3yrs (p.a.) 7.55
5yrs (p.a.) 6.85
10yrs (p.a.) 7.40

This investment commentary does not constitute advice. All investment figures quoted relate to before-tax performance of the relevant industry benchmark. Investment returns cannot be guaranteed as investment markets can be volatile. As a consequence, returns can be positive or negative. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Benefits in ESSSuper's Accumulation Plan, Income Streams and Beneficiary Account products are not guaranteed or underwritten by the Victorian Government or ESSSuper, and ESSSuper does not come under the jurisdiction of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

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