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Our funds
Which super fund or plan are you in? Find out more about them all here.
Accumulation Plan
Emergency services funds
ESSS Defined Benefit Fund
Beneficiary Account
Accumulation Plan
State super funds
New Scheme
Revised Scheme
Transport Scheme
SERB Scheme
Accumulation Plan
Retirement Income Streams
Spouse Accounts
Super basics
Super can be confusing. Get your head around the basics here, before you go into more detail.
Types of super
Tax and Super
Accessing Super
Family Law and Super
Grow your super
Want to know how to improve your super? Check out our strategies here.
Find your super
Rollover your super
Salary sacrifice
Extra contributions
Increase your contribution rate
Spouse contributions
Super co-contributions
Find out about your current insurance entitlements and options for changing your cover here.
Changing jobs
Stay with ESSSuper. Choosing the right super fund can make a big difference to your lifestyle when you retire.
Changing Jobs
Forms & transactions
Education events
Something super for your spouse
Planning for retirement
Have you thought about what you’d like to do when you retire? Find out how we can help you plan to live your retirement dream.
Will you have enough super?
Your planned retirement date
Will your money last?
Where do I start?
10 years from retirement
5 years from retirement
1 year from retirement
Retirement Income Streams
Retirement life stages
Retirement is an adventure that changes as you age. Find out how you can make the most of each stage in this new chapter of your life.
Stage 1: Pre-retirement planning phase
Stage 2: Active retirement phase
Stage 3: Contemplative phase
Stage 4: Dependency phase
Retirement options
We have worked hard to provide award-winning funds designed to support you in your retirement journey. Review your choices here.
Working Income Streams
Retirement Income Streams
Pension members
This section is just for you. Here you will find information to help you manage your pension and enjoy your retirement.
Retirement guide
This guide is designed to highlight some of the key things you should think about now to plan the next stage of your journey with confidence.
Pay day calendars
Education events
Forms & transactions
Will you have enough super when you retire?
We strive for consistent investment performance and above average returns over the long term. Find our latest performance here.
Annual returns
Monthly returns
Daily unit pricing
State Super crediting rates
Investment options
Find out more about your investment choice and explore our investment options. Which ones are right for you?
Balanced Growth
Balanced Growth Managed
Ethical Diversified
Capital Stable
Shares Only
Investment approach
We follow key investment principles to help you achieve a comfortable and financially secure retirement.
Who manages your money
Portfolio holdings
Responsible investment
Proxy Voting
Investment news
Superannuation is a rapidly changing industry. We aim to keep you informed by providing current, easy to read articles, investment commentary and videos.
Choosing your options
Daily unit prices
State super crediting rates
How we perform over the long term
Making contributions
Government regulations require your employees’ super benefits to be paid on time. Here you will find all the tools and information to help make this easy.
Help for employers
If you need some assistance or have a query – we’re here to help.
Victorian State Super Employers
Victorian Emergency Services Employers
Other Employers
Publications to assist employers including EOL User Guide, fund manual(s), and Choice of Super Fund form.
Employer Online
Through Employer Online (EOL), employers can pay defined benefit contributions, change employee details, and more.
Victorian State Employers
Emergency Services Employers
Other Employers
Do you want to know what it’s like to work with us? Learn more about us and see current vacancies here.
Our values
Benefits of working at ESSSuper
Privacy Collection Statement for recruitment and employment
Our people
Who are the faces behind ESSSuper? Find out more about our Board and Executive team here.
The Board
Executive Team
Our operations
Find out about how we work, who we work with, and the standards we adhere to.
Significant Event Notices
Structure and legislation
Gender Equality Action Plan
Retirement Income Strategy
Outsourced service providers
Procurement activity plan
Contact us
1300 650 161
Emergency services
1300 655 476
State super
Check out our awards section to find out how ESSSuper compares with other super funds.
Annual Members' Meetings
We hold a meeting each financial year for members to learn about our investment performance and fund updates and ask questions.
Education events
Don't miss out on your opportunity to learn about your super from our Member Education Consultants.
Advice & education
We have a proud history working with members just like you to help them understand their super and achieve their retirement goals. Who better to help you with your retirement plan?
General advice & education
Member Education Consultants
Financial Advice
Take some time to play around with our calculators to better understand your super. You might discover new ways you can improve your retirement outcomes.
Superannuation is a rapidly changing industry. We aim to keep you informed by providing current, easy to read articles.
Forms & transactions
PDS & handbooks
Members Online
Manage your account online
Members Online
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Terms and conditions
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Privacy Collection Statement
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Terms and Conditions
February 08 2025
These Terms and Conditions of Use (terms and conditions) apply to the use of this digital service (website and application). In using this digital service, you are deemed to have read, and understood and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you must refrain from using the digital service.
ESSSuper is established under the laws of the State of Victoria (including the
Emergency Services Superannuation Act 1986, the State Superannuation Act 1988, the State Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1979
and the
Transport Superannuation Act 1988
). This digital service is not a substitute for these acts, which are the final authority when determining the calculation and payment of members' benefits.
The information contained on this digital service is of a general nature and is intended as a guide only. It is not intended to be personal investment or financial advice. The information provided does not take into account your personal investment objectives or financial situation. Before making financial or investment decisions, you should consult an independent licensed adviser and any relevant product disclosure statements, to ascertain whether the information provided on this digital service is appropriate for you.
While care has been taken in relation to the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this digital service, to the extent permitted by law, ESSSuper and its directors, employees and agents do not make any representations or warranties that the information provided is reliable, accurate or complete and do not accept any responsibility in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the material available on this digital service and do not accept liability for any loss or damage, however caused, as a result of any person relying on any such material.
Copyright in this digital service is owned or licensed by ESSSuper. Except as expressly authorised by these Terms and Conditions of Use or by law, you may not in any form or by any means adapt, reproduce, store, create derivative works or commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of this digital service without the written permission of ESSSuper.
This digital service may contain links to other websites ("linked websites"). Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. ESSSuper is not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with linked websites. Links to other websites should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by ESSSuper of the owners or operators of those websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on those websites, unless and to the extent stipulated to the contrary.
ESSSuper will endeavour to ensure that your information remains confidential. You must take all reasonable precautions to safeguard your PIN/Password and not disclose or allow the PIN/Password to be disclosed to any third party. You must notify ESSSuper immediately if any unauthorised use of your PIN/Password has occurred or if you suspect that any third party knows your PIN/Password.
You must not use this digital service in a manner that breaches, or is likely to breach, any law or relevant code of conduct, or in a way that infringes any person's rights, including any conduct that would require ESSSuper or any of its employees or agents to remedy any loss or damage occasioned by such activity.
You must not use this digital service in a manner that defames, harasses, unlawfully offends or harms any person.
These Terms and Conditions of Use can be modified at any time by ESSSuper and you agree to continue to be bound by these terms and conditions as modified. ESSSuper will give you notice of these changes by publishing revised terms and conditions on this digital service - you will not be separately notified of these changes.
Your use of this digital service may be varied, suspended or cancelled at anytime without notice or for reasons beyond ESSSuper’s control. You agree that ESSSuper will not be liable for any such interruption, variation, suspension of this digital service.
This digital service is provided for use by Australian residents only and products and services provided by ESSSuper are only available to Australian residents.
These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by the law in force in the State of Victoria, and the parties irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria for determining any dispute concerning the terms and conditions.