AssistMe - Now giving over 43,000 members even more ways to plan their journey to retirement!

ESSSuper - 15 Jul 2019

We’re excited to launch ‘AssistMe’, our interactive online tool to help members forecast their super in retirement.

Plan your journey to retirement with confidence

Retirement can deliver some of the best years of our lives, but only if you properly prepare for it. That’s why we’ve developed AssistMe to help you reach the retirement income destination you want.

AssistMe was created with members, in order to help members understand what gaps there may be in their retirement income needs, how long their super may last, what they can do to make it go further, and what lifestyle their projected retirement income could support.

This collaborative strategy was designed to ensure we have a member-centric solution that meets the needs of our members now and in to the future.

Making super fun

The AssistMe tool uses gamification technology to allow members to interact with different scenarios to understand what members can do to enhance and maximise their retirement income forecast.

ESSSuper CEO Mark Puli explained how technology allows the tool to run like a game.

"AssistMe uses a transport analogy to help the member understand how – by applying different strategies – they could have a positive impact on their superannuation"
"This gamification technology provides an educational experience tailored specifically to a member’s retirement interests and circumstances – such as their salary, assets, retirement age, full or part time work and voluntary contribution rates." - Mr Puli said.
AssistMe Illustration

If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?

AssistMe provides ESSSuper members access to a Retirement Income Forecast Calculator (RIFC) that can be used to model and project retirement income ranges based on a member’s circumstances and behaviours.

Using this, members can generate individualised Retirement Income Forecast calculations, or ‘stories’. Based on individual circumstances, these stories model and project a member’s retirement balance, income and retirement lifestyle, as well as how long their retirement income might last.

"It’s an interactive way for our members take control and have the confidence to make informed decisions – so they can achieve their wealth and retirement dreams," - Mr Puli said.

AssistMe now available to members

AssistMe is currently available to New Scheme, Accumulation and Emergency Services Defined Benefit Members and will be expanded to the following account types over the next year.

  • Beneficiary accounts
  • Income stream - working
  • Transport scheme
  • Lump sum account
  • Defined benefit pension

To access AssistMe, simply login to Members Online and follow the prompts.


  • Education
  • Employer
  • General

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