Your planned retirement date
February 08 2025
Are you dreaming of retirement? If we know what you're planning, we can keep you informed on things to consider to maximise your outcomes and get ready for retirement.
Having a planned (indicative) retirement date is an important goal to aim for. You can consider:
- Talking to your employer about your options, e.g. if you're a teacher, would you leave at the end of the school year, or the start of the next one?
- Discussing your needs with your family, and
- Seeking professional advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser, e.g. is retiring at the start of a financial year better for tax reasons?
Help us help you
Let us know when you think you might retire, even if it's just your best guess or might change over the next few years.
We'll then know when to reach out to you as you get closer to retirement. We won't send the date to your employer or use it to make changes to your account.